Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Quote of the Day

I will not divulge who said this nor the context in which it was said, but it humored me greatly:

"Me and bat sh** crazy don't mix."

No, I am not the one who said it.  Although I may adopt it as my personal motto.  I probably can find a reason to use it at least once a day.

Thirty Days of Thankful - Day 30

Today I am thankful for my Aunt Angie and Uncle Jesse - today is their 27th (?) anniversary!  They are so sweet and I love them dearly.  I am so lucky to have such a wonderful aunt and uncle!

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Thirty Days of Thankful - Day 29

Today I am thankful for busy days at work because that means job security!

I am also thankful that November is almost over because it's tough writing a blog a day.  I don't know how my favorite bloggers do it!

Monday, November 28, 2011

Thirty Days of Thankful - Day 28

Today I am thankful for running buddies that keep me motivated on cold, damp nights.  And early mornings and humid long runs and for any other excuse I can come up with. Trust me, there are plenty!

Thirty Days of Thankful - Day 27

I am thankful for Sunday mornings because it is usually the only day of the week that I get to sleep as late as I want to. Then I can drink my coffee and read the paper before it's time to start getting ready for church.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Thirty Days of Thankful - Day 26

I am thankful for my education.  I may not have had the most "exciting" college experience by going to a small private college, but almost all of my college expenses were covered by scholarship.  I am very fortunate not to have the burden of student loans.  I received a wonderful education and I really enjoyed my time at the University of Mobile.

Friday, November 25, 2011

Thirty Days of Thankful - Day 25

Today I am thankful that my job gives me the day after Thanksgiving off.  I was able to sleep in, sip my coffee on the couch, do a little online shopping and then go for a run.  Today was also great because I got to see my Cherokee for a little bit.  The whole living 8 hours apart puts a cramp in our hanging out time.

While most people were "celebrating" Black Friday, I was having Green Friday!  I put a first coat of green paint on my front door.  I got started late in the day so it was dark by the time I finished.  I can't wait to see what it looks like in daylight.  I hope it turns out as well as I have been imagining.  Because it will be really inconvenient to have to go back and get new paint and then start all over.  Pictures to come!

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Thirty Days of Thankful - Day 24

Today I am thankful for Thanksgiving, and for the reason we celebrate the holiday.  I am thankful for the opportunity to spend the day with my family, and that I have family members who are good cooks.  I am not one of those family members.  I am also thankful for the birthday cake my Mama made me!  I brought home some yummy leftovers, and I will be thankful for those over the weekend.

At this point in the day, I am so thankful to be home and that it is time for bed and I can sleep late in the morning!!!!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Thirty Days of Thankful - Day 23

Today I am thankful that we got off an hour early from work.  It gave me a chance to go the grocery store.  I'm also thankful that I got out of Winn Dixie in just around an hour.  Not bad at all for the day before Thanksgiving.  And it was the site of a true Thanksgiving Miracle - I finally found my Sugar Free Peppermint Mocha Coffee Mate!!!!  Definitely a bright spot in my day... my week... my month... lol

I am thankful for Starbucks.  Skinny lattes and cake pops and earning points for free drinks.  It is everything I love under one roof.

I am thankful that my good friend Shelley and her kiddos are coming home (to Louisiana) over Christmas holidays.  I haven't seen her since March of 2010.  I can't believe it's been that long.

Well, it's time to get ready for bed.  Tomorrow is a big day!!!  10 mile run, then a 2 hour drive to Andalusia, Thanksgiving feasting with the fam and then heading back home for bedtime.  Whew, that made me tired just typing it!

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!!

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Thirty Days of Thankful - Day 22

I am thankful for the rain tonight.  I wish we had gotten a little more during the summer though... maybe my yard wouldn't look so awful.  Yep, it was the lack of rain that did it.  That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Thirty Days of Thankful - Day 21

So I'm totally going take the easy route tonight and be thankful for my 30 years on this earth.  I am thankful for my parents who got me here, and I am thankful for the love of all my family and friends throughout my life.  I am thankful for the lessons I have learned and the experiences I have had.  God has blessed me far more than I deserve!

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Thirty Days of Thankful - Day 20

Today I am very thankful to have so many friends celebrate my birthday with me.  They made me feel so very special and loved!  I am so blessed to have these people in my life.  I only hope that they know how much I appreciate them and value their friendship.

“There is nothing I would not do for those who are really my friends. I have no notion of loving people by halves, it is not my nature.” 
― Jane AustenNorthanger Abbey

Thirty Days of Thankful - Day 19

I am thankful for technology, even though I may be a little too dependent on it.  I can't run without my Gus, I watch 90% of my television on my DVR and I check my cell phone (including email and social networking) a gajillion times a day.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Thirty Days of Thankful - Day 18

I am thankful for my grandparents and that I had such a close relationship to them when I was growing up.  I have so many wonderful memories from the time I spent with them.  I spent a lot of summer days at their house and after school time and they took me on many vacations and weekend trips.  My Grandmama used to sew for me all the time; she made costumes and clothes and hemmed every pair of pants or skirt I brought her.  We played pretend, and marathon games of Monopoly, and stayed up late watching movies and then she would tell me stories until I fell asleep.  I am so blessed to have my grandparents, and I love them so much.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Thirty Days of Thankful - Day 17

Today I am thankful that God gave me small feet... 'cause I always end up with one in my mouth.  Of course if they were larger maybe it would happen less often.

I'm also thankful for bonus checks.  And I'm thankful that November is my birthday month, which means I get lots of birthday coupons.  Hence the need for the bonus checks. ;)

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Thirty Days of Thankful - Day 16

Today, I was thankful that Oakley sang the rain away so I could run after work.  I wonder if we can teach him a song to get rid of humidity?

I recently read this article online and it got me to thinking.  Mostly because I, too, am single... again... still... at the holidays.  Being single isn't all bad - I have complete control of the remote and the thermostat at all times.  Some of the points are kind of funny, but they make sense too.  Most importantly, it reminded me that I am thankful to be single.  That's not to say I don't want to be in a relationship.  But there must be a reason for me to be in this place in my life, and I am thankful for that - whatever that reason is.  Every day I pray that God will show me my way in life, and I know that He will.  Until then, I am going to be thankful for everything I have and not waste any time lamenting over what I don't have that I think I need.

Thirty Days of Thankful - Day 15

Yesterday I was very much thankful that my nose stopped running.  TMI, I know.  But it was a huge deal.  Just a few days of being under the weather can seem like an eternity.

I'm also thankful for random dinners at Los Rancheros in which I always leave with a wealth of knowledge I didn't even know I needed.

Thirty Days of Thankful - Day 14

Yes, I am aware that I am behind on expressing my thankfulness.  I guess I'm thankful that no one reads my blog!  haha

I am thankful that I have stayed friends with the same group of girls from high school.  I know it may sound silly, but in the last several years we have managed to get together a few times a year, but always every year at Christmas.  We also get together for all the important events like weddings and baby showers and stuff.  It's really great to know that after so many years we are still friends and are still there for each other.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Thirty Days of Thankful - Day 13

Today our church held its 72nd Homecoming Celebration.  We had a wonderful service and then had a fellowship lunch afterwards.  I am very thankful for my church and all the sweet people that go there.  I love my church family!

Thirty Days of Thankful - Day 12

Today I am thankful for my little monsters.  Even though they drive me crazy on a daily basis and I'm pretty sure their goal is to destroy my house, I still love them.  They're my sweet little furry babies.  One of my favorite sounds in the world is Cool Daddy's purring.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Marine Corps Marathon

It's been almost two weeks since I ran the Marine Corps Marathon.  Of course I am exceedingly talented at procrastination, so the timing of this post is right on schedule.

I was really looking forward to the trip, even though I knew it was going to be quick and I probably wouldn't have a lot of time for sightseeing.  Fortunately, I had been to Washington, D.C. before so I have seen a lot of the sights.

Cecilia & I flew into Baltimore on Friday.  I had never been to Baltimore before.  We had planned to check out the downtown area, but when we got there it was pretty dang cold and windy.  We did happen upon the Occupy Baltimore camp, though.

We considered joining them, but they wanted you to make a sign and join a committee, and that was a little more commitment than we bargained for.  Later that afternoon, Cil's friend Abby (who works in Baltimore) was nice enough to drive us to our hotel in Arlington.  After we got settled into our hotel, we set off to find dinner.  Along the way, we found a Marine Corps Marathon sign that had been set up.

We bought those scarves earlier the day in Baltimore because it turned out to be colder than we anticipated.  I am convinced that it is my fate that at some point on any vacation trip I take, I will have to make a trip to Walmart and/or Target.  So later that evening we went to Target to stock up on a few toiletries and extra layers for the run.  Thanks to Heather's idea, I bought some men's socks and later made arm warmers for myself, Cil & Heather for the race on Sunday.

Saturday was Expo Day!  Saturday was also dreary, cold, rainy and eventually snowy.  To be completely honest, that weather situation is not good for your psyche the day before a marathon.

Waiting outside the expo... in the rain.

Inside the expo... those are all the vendors in the background.  The place was PACKED!  I shall plead the fifth in regards to how much money was spent at the expo.  Let's just say Chase called me a couple days later to make sure my card had not been stolen.  (Where were ya when I was spending that money??)

After the expo, Cil & I decided to brave the cold and, by that point, snow to walk around the Mall and check out the monuments.

It is kinda difficult to capture snow on camera, but this picture of the Capitol building gives you an idea.  It wasn't sticking, but it was coming down pretty steady over several hours.

We visited the World War II Memorial, which I think has been built since my previous trip to Washington, D.C.  It was really beautiful.  There is so much more to it than I could capture in just one picture.

It was such a blessing that the weather on Sunday was a major improvement over Saturday.  Of course, we had to get up crazy early so it was dark and freezing, but the rain and snow was gone.  Once the sun came out, it was a beautiful day.

Here we are before the race started!  We had on a few extra layers that we planned to get rid of along the race course.  I had a momentary freak out before the race when I realized that my iPod did not intend to function that day.  I think somehow when I charged my battery before I left home that it actually sucked the life out of Pinky.  But, it was too late to turn back at that point.

I have since read that around 22,000 people started the race.  It was kinda crowded getting started and took some getting used to maneuvering through the people.  Somewhere around 3 miles in, we crossed a bridge that was iced over a bit.  It was actually scary because my feet were sliding underneath me, and I decided to walk until I got past the ice.  (I have no shame in admitting I'm terrified of falling.)

We had a great plan that the three of us would stick together and pace off each other, but the plan went awry.  Around mile 4, there was a water stop and we got separated by the crowd.  I could see Heather going ahead and caught a glimpse of her but there were too many people to catch up with her.  It was so sad.  :(  However, we still had at least 22 miles to go so Cecilia and I kept plugging on.

There was another little mishap as we were running through Georgetown.  We had jumped on a sidewalk to have a little extra room and Cecilia alerted me to a fire hydrant in the way.  We both managed to avoid it, but probably 3 or 4 people behind us we heard a thud.  I glanced back real quick to see someone on the ground.  I turned back around to focus on the road ahead of me, because if I had seen blood it would not have been a good situation.  I really hope the guy is ok.

The rest of the race went on without incident.  There was just a lot of running, several water stops, a few Gu's consumed and a lot of spectators.  We ran past all the major monuments - Jefferson, Martin Luther King, Jr, Washington, Capitol building, Holocaust museum.  Right around mile 20 we got on (what I think was) an interstate overpass.  That was about 2 1/2 miles of no spectators and not much to see.  It was kinda tough.  But then we got into Crystal City which was a big morale booster, although I tried not to think about the fact that I was running right past our hotel.

Finally, after 20-something miles, I caught Heather!  I spotted her about a half mile before the finish.  Even though we had gotten separated early on, the three of us ended finishing around the same time!  Which is really great because we were able to take finisher pictures together.

Here is my super cool medal!

The rest of Sunday and Monday was spent moving very slowly.  Monday morning Cammie, Larry & I did get out to go visit the Lincoln Memorial, the Vietnam Veterans Memorial and another memorial I was not aware of that honored the signers of the Declaration of Independence.  Let me just say that for a city that invited several thousand people to come run a marathon, it has entirely too many steps/stairs to climb.  It is very painful.

As much fun as it was to run the Marine Corps Marathon, I was so very glad to get home and sleep in my own bed.  I was not so happy about one souvenir I brought home with me, which was a miserable cold that I am still trying to get over.  Marathon soreness was much easier to get rid of!

So now the big question is... what's the next race???

Friday, November 11, 2011

Thirty Days of Thankful - Day 11

Today I am thankful for all the veterans who have served our country.  Without them, we would not enjoy the many freedoms we have today.  We must never forget the sacrifices that have been made, and we must remember that we live in one of the greatest countries in the world.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Thirty Days of Thankful - Day 10

Tonight was one of my favorite nights of the month - Birthday Night!  One night a month our running club celebrates all the birthdays for the month.  I already love it because I get to run, eat Mexican and then have birthday cake.  But tonight was even better because this is my birthday month!

Today I am thankful for all the friends I have made since I started running.  They are such an important part of my life now that I can't imagine what it would be like without them.  For one thing, I would have one less reason to eat cake every month and that would just be tragic.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Thirty Days of Thankful - Day 9

Today I am thankful for my baby cousin, Jay.  Today is his 18th birthday, so he's not exactly a baby anymore.  He's extra special, not just because he's the youngest of all the cousins but also because he's the only boy.  He's endured a lot of painful hours of dress up in his life!

I remember the morning he was born.  I was staying at my grandparents and my Grandmama had just woke me up to get ready for school.  She called the hospital to check on my aunt because she had gone to the hospital in the middle of the night.  When she got off the phone she told me the news - a Baby Boy!  I ran to the other bedroom where my Papa and Jessica were still asleep and told them the baby was here!  Before school, Grandmama took me to the hospital to see him.  I got to see him first!!

I am so glad he's mine though; he's smart, kind, thoughtful, talented and very handsome.  I think it's rare to find that many good qualities in a guy his age.  (It's rare to find that in guys my age, but that's a-whole-nother blog post.)  I love him very much and I am so blessed to have such a wonderful cousin!

All the cousins last Christmas.  Birthday Boy on the Left!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Thirty Days of Thankful - Day 8

Today's Bible verse on my Daily Bible app was "Oh give thanks to the Lord, for he is good, for his steadfast love endures forever!" Psalm 107:1.  

I thought that was very appropriate for today.  I am thankful for God's love and his many blessings in my life.  I'm even thankful for those blessings that may not seem so great at the time, but I know they are all part of a plan that even I can't micromanage.  

Thirty Days of Thankful - Day 7

Better late than never, right?

Yesterday, I was thankful for the nice pharmacist at Walgreens that called around until he found my prescription at another store.  It was just like a commercial!  I feel like I should write a thank you note in crayon or something.  Also, I am thankful for insurance.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Thirty Days of Thankful - Day 6

Today I am thankful for a quiet day at home with cold medicine and DVR shows to watch while I tried to rest and get well.  Fingers crossed I feel better tomorrow and can get back into my regular routine!

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Thirty Days of Thankful - Day 5

Today I am thankful for my mom & stepdad and all they do to help me with my house.  Four years ago, Garry put a new metal roof on my house and covered all of my soffits and overhangs with vinyl and metal to protect them from rotting.  Today, for my birthday present (in 16 days!) they replaced my front door.

It's really sad how pitiful my original front door was.  It was hollow (like an interior door) and it turns out someone had actually sawed off the bottom of the door!  The door didn't even seal like it was supposed to, so I'm sure that let out an unknown sum of the A/C and heat I've been paying for all these years.  Truthfully I did not feel very safe with such a flimsy door out front.

The new door is fiberglass.  It is much more sturdy and energy efficient.  I'm pretty sure it's eligible for a tax credit (yay!).  The things you get excited about in your old age.

As for the color... yuck.  This beigy color is the base/primer color that it comes in, but I will be changing that soon.  Hopefully next weekend!  But even with the ugly color I am still so excited about my new door!

Friday, November 4, 2011

Thirty Days of Thankful - Day 4

Today I am thankful for my job.  I have been there for 8 years, and I think I am very fortunate to have found a home there.  Ok, so there are a lot of days that I wish I didn't have to get up and go to work, and sometimes I get frustrated and stressed out, but every day I am thankful for my job.  I work for a great company and have great bosses.  And recently, they've given me a wonderful opportunity and I'm so very excited about the upcoming year!  Terrified, but excited!  2012 will be a great year!

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Thirty Days of Thankful - Day 3

Today I am thankful for having a roof over my head, a car to drive and always having plenty to eat and drink.  This is just a short list of every day comforts that most of us take for granted, but there are many people who have to do without.

On a selfish note, I would be even more thankful if the Facebook photo uploader would work properly.  I've been trying for two evenings now to create a photo album from my trip this weekend, but the uploader isn't cooperating.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Thirty Days of Thankful - Day 2

Today I am thankful for Nyquil.  I haven't been feeling so hot since the marathon.  Apparently, between airports and public transportation and running a race with 40,000 people, I may have picked up a germ or something.  Whoodathunkit.  Anyway, I decided to take a dose of Nyquil and go to bed early.  Hopefully I will feel better tomorrow.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Thirty Days of Thankful - Day 1

It's November 1st and I see many people are sharing things they are thankful for.  I think out of all the crazy Facebook fads, this is a good one to follow.

Today I am thankful for good friends who care about what's important to me, or at least they do a good job of pretending to care.  ;)