Wednesday, March 30, 2011


I love going to yoga on Wednesday night.  It's a nice break from all the running I do.  And the instructor is the best, although I am a little biased.  ;)
One of the last things we do before class ends is Shavasana, or "corpse pose."  It's a time of relaxation and transition to go back to our busy lives.  Every time we conclude class with shavasana I am reminded of when I was little and my Grandmama would try to get me to go to sleep.  She would tell me to lie still and close my eyes and then she would say "sleep little one eye, sleep little two eye" and she would name all the body parts - mouth, arms, legs, etc.  This is so funny to me because I am pretty sure my Grandmama has never done a minute of yoga in her life!  And if she heard me use the word "shavasana" she would probably say "God Bless You"!  I guess she's a little more wordly than any of us ever imagined.

Sunday, March 27, 2011


Tonight I went to pay my respects to a good friend who lost her grandfather earlier this week.  This got me to thinking about own grandparents and how there is no way to know how much longer you have with your loved ones.  My grandparents have been such an important part of my life.  For many years, they were a part of my daily life.  I would stay with them during the day before I was old enough for school, and then I would stay there during summer break.  Grandmama would pick me up after school and take me to Dairy Queen.  Papa would take me to Hardee's on weekend mornings because Grandmama like to sleep late.  They took me on car and RV trips every summer.  My Grandmama was my very best friend; I could talk to her about anything.

Now their health is declining.  My Grandmama is not the same funny, energetic lady she used to be, and my Papa spends his time and energy worrying about her and caring for her.  And it makes me so sad.  But at the same time I feel so incredibly blessed to have so many years of memories with them.  They have been such a special part of my life, and will always have a huge part of my heart.